Building a Connect Four AI

Connect Four is a two-player game sold by Hasbro, played on a 6x7 grid. Each player alternates dropping coloured discs into one of the seven columns. The discs fall to the lowest available space within the selected column. The objective is to be the first player to align four discs in a row, which can be achieved horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The game reaches a draw if all 42 spaces are filled without either player achieving this alignment. Given these rules, Connect Four classifies as a perfect information zero-sum game.
As a solved game, Connect Four allows the first player to always secure a win with optimal play. However, identifying the optimal move in real time for each board state using a brute-force approach, as I did with my Tic Tac Toe AI, is not feasible in Connect Four due to the game's complexity. To address this, I programmed an AI using the minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning for decision-making. However, unlike my approach in Tic Tac Toe, this AI does not search the entire game tree. Instead, it limits its foresight to a certain number of moves and employs a heuristic to estimate the value of non-terminal board states at its maximum search depth.
The core of the heuristic lies in evaluating the difference in the number of potential four-in-a-row alignments for each player. This method was chosen based on the intuition that immediate wins and losses are identified within the search scope. At the same time, board states that preserve more opportunities for future alignments increase the likelihood of winning as the game progresses.
To introduce an element of unpredictability and to adjust the difficulty level, I incorporated random noise into the AI's value estimations at each depth. This addition means the AI might occasionally select suboptimal moves, particularly when the path to a forced win or loss is not immediately evident. Such a strategy ensures a balance between challenge and accessibility, making the AI a versatile opponent across various skill levels. Below is a Python implementation of the algorithm.
import copy
import random
def minimax_alphabeta(
previous_board, move, depth, alpha, beta, previous_player, player, noise=None
board = make_move(previous_board, move, previous_player)
result = check_win(board, move)
result_dict = {"R_wins": 1, "Y_wins": -1, "tie": 0}
if result in result_dict:
return result_dict[result]
elif depth == 0:
return evaluate_board(board)
best_score = float("-inf") if player == "R" else float("inf")
moves = available_moves(board)
for move in moves:
nudge = (random.random() - 0.5) * 2 * noise if noise else 0
score = nudge + minimax_alphabeta(
board, move, depth - 1, alpha, beta, player, previous_player, noise
if player == "R":
best_score = max(best_score, score)
alpha = max(alpha, score)
best_score = min(best_score, score)
beta = min(beta, score)
if alpha >= beta:
return best_score
def available_moves(board):
return [col_index for col_index, col in enumerate(board) if not col[0]]
def make_move(board, column_index, player):
new_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
for i in reversed(range(len(board[column_index]))):
if board[column_index][i] == "":
new_board[column_index][i] = player
return new_board
def check_win(board, column_index):
# find row
row = next(i for i, cell in enumerate(board[column_index]) if cell)
player = board[column_index][row]
# check column
if row <= 2:
if all(board[column_index][row + i] == player for i in range(1, 4)):
return f"{player} wins"
# check row
if any(all(board[col + i][row] == player for i in range(4)) for col in range(4)):
return f"{player} wins"
# check diagonals
count1, count2 = 0, 0
for i in range(-3, 4):
if column_index + i < 0 or column_index + i >= len(board):
if row + i >= 0 and row + i < len(board[column_index]):
if board[column_index + i][row + i] == player:
count1 += 1
count1 = 0
if row - i >= 0 and row - i < len(board[column_index]):
if board[column_index + i][row - i] == player:
count2 += 1
count2 = 0
if count1 >= 4 or count2 >= 4:
return f"{player} wins"
# check if board is full
if all(col[0] for col in board):
return "tie"
return "in progress"
# Generate all 69 possible win possibilities that the heuristic will check
win_possibilities = []
for col in range(7):
win_possibilities += [
[[col, row], [col, row + 1], [col, row + 2], [col, row + 3]] for row in range(3)
for col in range(4):
win_possibilities += [
[[col, row], [col + 1, row], [col + 2, row], [col + 3, row]] for row in range(6)
win_possibilities += [
[[col, row], [col + 1, row + 1], [col + 2, row + 2], [col + 3, row + 3]]
for row in range(3)
win_possibilities += [
[[6 - col, row], [5 - col, row + 1], [4 - col, row + 2], [3 - col, row + 3]]
for row in range(3)
evaluate_memo = {}
def stringify_board(board):
rows = range(len(board[0]))
cols = range(len(board))
return "\n".join(
"".join([board[col][row] if board[col][row] else "_" for col in cols])
for row in rows
def evaluate_board(board):
board_string = stringify_board(board)
if board_string in evaluate_memo:
return evaluate_memo[board_string]
count = 0
for win_possibility in win_possibilities:
if all(board[col][row] != "Y" for col, row in win_possibility):
count += 1
if all(board[col][row] != "R" for col, row in win_possibility):
count -= 1
evaluate_memo[board_string] = count / len(win_possibilities)
return evaluate_memo[board_string]
# Apply minimax to see scores for each move
def get_move_scores(board, depth, noise, player):
next_player = "Y" if player == "R" else "R"
scores = {}
for move in available_moves(board):
nudge = (random.random() - 0.5) * 2 * noise if noise else 0
score = nudge + minimax_alphabeta(
board, move, depth, float("-inf"), float("inf"), player, next_player, noise
scores[move] = score
return scores
board = [["" for row in range(6)] for col in range(7)]
move_sequence = [2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 4]
player = "R"
for move in move_sequence:
board = make_move(board, move, player)
player = "Y" if player == "R" else "R"
print(player, get_move_scores(board, 4, 0, player))